Thursday, February 14, 2013

Shape Your Beach Body The Healthy Way (guest blog)

At the outset of a new year, many people like to focus on fitness efforts, trying to get healthier and improve their bodies. However, as the winter months drift by and beach season?creeps ever closer, it becomes even more of a priority for many of these people to improve their health and physical appearance. However, as you set about preparing your body for your next swimsuit shopping trip to Marks and Spencer, it is important to approach your health in an appropriate manner.

We hear a lot every year about the newest diets people are trying. People all over the world are always looking for easier and more effective ways to drop weight and stay healthy, and this results in dietary trends that shift so frequently they?re hard to keep track of. However, while many diets have very healthy aspects, most fail to completely address your health and fitness needs. So this year, instead of trying the hottest new diet to prepare your beach body, try something a bit simpler and more sustainable: just exercise and eat right! Here are a few tips to get you started.

Couple Having Drinks


For many people, the exercise solution to weight loss efforts is, ultimately, excess. Run more, swim more, bike more, etc. However, while these exercise techniques will certainly burn calories and help you to lose weight, excessive practice of cardio activities is actually an inefficient exercise routine. Instead, try working in some resistance training. When you lift weights, you are actually breaking down muscular structure, which is then repaired and rebuilt stronger than before. However, during this reconstruction process, your body?s metabolism skyrockets, meaning you burn calories more efficiently during that time period. In this way, resistance training, in addition to cardio efforts, can help you to shed pounds more quickly.


The majority of nutrition efforts focus on getting you to eat the right foods and avoid the others. Some diets focus on eliminating salts or sugars, some focus on cutting carbohydrates, and still others focus on unique blends of healthy foods. Instead of focusing on these ideas ? which are difficult to follow through on ? focus instead on the meals you already eat, and how to make each one just a bit healthier. For example, instead of eating a sandwich at lunch, put the same ingredients in a lettuce wrap ? it will taste the same while cutting bread, which can lead to weight loss. Try swapping juices for sodas, or fruits for desserts, to satisfy your sweet tooth. These are the types of small changes that can, all put together, aid in weight loss, without giving you a strict or difficult diet plan to stick to.

This is a guest post by Laura Spencer. Laura is a blogger and freelance writer who covers topics related to health and fitness.


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