Monday, July 1, 2013

GAO Report Points to Challenges in Setting Up Federal Health ...

Testing of computer systems and training of consumer assistance guides are behind schedule, but the Obama administration has met other deadlines in its efforts to open new marketplaces where millions of consumers might shop for insurance starting this fall, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Wednesday.

The federal government expects to operate these marketplaces, also called exchanges, in 34 states that opted not to run their own. Seven of those states are working as partners with the federal government. The other 16 states are setting up marketplaces on their own with federal funding.

The report said that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, ?has many key activities remaining to be completed,? including those that deal with eligibility and enrollment in the exchanges, development and implementation of a ?data hub? that will connect the exchanges with other federal and state agencies to determine applicants? eligibility, and review and certification of the health insurance plans offered to consumers.

?Much remains to be accomplished within a relatively short amount of time? for the exchanges to work properly on Oct. 1, the GAO said. The ?still unknown and evolving scope? of activities that CMS must provide in states that have chosen not to participate is problematic, investigators said, as are the ?large number of activities remaining to be performed ? some close to the start of enrollment.?

While the deadlines missed so far may not affect the law?s implementation, ?additional missed deadlines closer to the start of enrollment could do so,? GAO found.

In a response included in the report, the Department of Health and Human Services said the agency has made progress in establishing exchanges and that the exchanges would be up and running in all states by Oct. 1.

Opponents of the health law said the report proves the measure won?t work as intended and that Americans will suffer. ?News of delays and missed deadlines are now just as prevalent as reports of Obamacare?s broken promises and the looming rate shock in store for millions of Americans,? House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., said in a statement.

Upton, along with Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the House Oversight and Investigations Committee, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who is the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, requested the study.

The GAO reports that CMS is behind schedule on consumer assistance activities to the states with federal exchanges. For example, CMS was two months late in announcing funds to ?navigators? ? community organizations and nonprofits that will hire and train people to help consumers sign up for health insurance. CMS had planned to issue the funding announcement in February, allowing enough time for two rounds of awards in July and September. Instead, the agency did not announce the grants until April, leaving time for only one round of awards, which is expected on Aug. 15.

The navigator grants will total up to $54 million for the federally run marketplaces ? ?a drop in the bucket,? according to Stan Dorn, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Urban Institute. Some states received as little as $600,000. That?s far less than states running their own marketplaces. California, for example, is spending $50 million to fund in-person help for consumers.

All navigators are expected to complete a web-based training and certification course. CMS had expected to begin training by July, but the course may not be ready until August.

Nonetheless, CMS officials indicated that the navigators would be available by Oct. 1, when enrollment for 2014 plans begins, according to the GAO report.

Insurers that want to sell health coverage on the exchanges had to apply by May 3, and CMS, along with help from a contractor, expects to evaluate and certify those plans by July 31, according to the GAO report. Information about those plans is expected to be available on the exchange website by Sept. 15.

The GAO analysis also took a close look at the status of the complicated technology that will be needed for the exchanges. GAO said that some limited testing has begun of the information technology systems needed to determine whether consumers seeking coverage in the marketplaces are eligible for federal subsidies and to enroll them in health coverage. But it noted that much more needs to be done before October.

?While CMS has met project schedules, several critical tasks, such as final testing with federal and state partners, remain to be completed,? the report said.

Critics said the report shows that CMS and other agencies are falling behind, but others said the conclusion was that much progress has been made.

?It is the GAO?s job to outline problems that could occur,? said Dan Mendelson of the private consulting firm Avalere Health, but the report?s conclusions are ?getting spun through this lens of political discontent, so as a result, everyone is freaking out about it.?

States, he said, are rightly concerned that delays in the income and eligibility information technology might not operate efficiently at first.

?That would force them to do manual enrollment ? get on the phone with people ? and that?s expensive,? said Mendelson, who oversaw health programs at the Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton administration.

Mark McClellan, who was in charge of the rollout of the Medicare drug benefit in 2006 for the George W. Bush administration, said testing of some IT systems for that project began not long after the law was passed in 2003. But, he said, work continued right up to and even after the program began. That rollout was initially marked by glitches that included enrollment problems, and some seniors who qualified for subsidized coverage were mistakenly told they didn?t have it when they showed up at pharmacy counters.

?You are limited in what you can test ahead of time,? said McClellan. Once real data starts flowing through a system, unexpected problems crop up because real data is always messier than test data sets, he said.

While the Obama administration still has time to get the testing done, McClellan said, he cautioned that ?it is tight.?

The GAO report also states that CMS has spent $394 million from fiscal year 2010 through March 31 of this year on various activities to get the federal funded exchanges established and listed the major contracts. CMS officials said the totals did not include agency salaries or other administrative costs.

The report on the federal insurance marketplaces was one of two on health law implementation released by GAO Wednesday. The other report looked at federal and state efforts to establish the Small Business Health Options Programs (SHOPS) in which small employers can buy coverage for their workers. In that report, GAO found that ?CMS and states have made progress in establishing SHOPS, although many activities remain to be completed and some were behind schedule.?

This article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Japan war shrine reflects ruling party nationalism

A group of Japanese lawmakers leave after they offered prayers at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Dozens of Japanese lawmakers paid homage at the national war shrine Tuesday morning, risking more anger from neighbors South Korea and China over visits they see as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past. The sign reads " Reception for lawmakers who support Yasukuni Shrine visit." (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

A group of Japanese lawmakers leave after they offered prayers at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Dozens of Japanese lawmakers paid homage at the national war shrine Tuesday morning, risking more anger from neighbors South Korea and China over visits they see as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past. The sign reads " Reception for lawmakers who support Yasukuni Shrine visit." (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

A group of Japanese lawmakers visit the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Marking the spring festival, nearly 170 lawmakers paid homage to the controversial war shrine. Policy Chief of the Liberal Democratic Party' Sanae Takaichi, front left, and a member of Japan Restoration Party Takeo Hiramu, third right in the second row, were among the group. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

A group of Japanese lawmakers, seen silhouetted in the middle of the photo, offer prayers at the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan's war dead, including World War II leaders convicted of war crimes, in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Dozens of Japanese lawmakers paid homage at the national war shrine Tuesday morning, risking more anger from neighbors South Korea and China over visits they see as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

South Korean protesters tear a Japanese wartime flag during a rally to protest against Japanese lawmakers' visit to Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan's war dead, including World War II leaders convicted of war crimes, in front of the residence of Japanese ambassador in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Dozens of Japanese lawmakers paid homage at a national war shrine Tuesday morning, risking more anger from neighbors South Korea and China over visits they see as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past.(AP Photo)

South Korean protesters tear a Japanese wartime flag during a rally to protest Japanese lawmakers's visit to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, in front of the residence of Japan's ambassador in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Dozens of Japanese lawmakers paid homage at the national war shrine Tuesday morning, risking more anger from neighbors South Korea and China over visits they see as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past. (AP Photo)

(AP) ? Visits by Cabinet ministers and lawmakers to a shrine honoring Japan's war dead, including 14 World War II leaders convicted of atrocities, signal Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's determination to pursue a more nationalist agenda after months of focusing on the economy.

Nearly 170 Japanese lawmakers paid homage at Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday. A day earlier, visits by three Cabinet ministers, said by the government to be unofficial, drew protests from neighbors South Korea and China over actions they view as failures to acknowledge Japan's militaristic past.

China and South Korea ? Japan's No. 1 and No. 3 trading partners, respectively ? bore the brunt of Tokyo's pre-1945 militarist expansion in Asia and routinely criticize visits to the shrine. Almost seven decades after the war ended, it still overshadows relations.

Adding to the discord, Chinese surveillance vessels were patrolling Tuesday near a cluster of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea that are controlled by Japan but claimed by both countries.

China's State Oceanic Administration said Tuesday that its maritime surveillance ships had chased away a group of Japanese ultra-nationalists who visited the area.

The Japanese government spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, said the intrusion by a record eight Chinese vessels into Japan's territorial waters was "unacceptable" and that Tokyo had lodged formal protests with the Chinese government. The nationalist group that China accused of attempting to land on the islands could not be immediately reached.

Abe told parliament Tuesday that if Chinese citizens were to land on the islands, Japan would forcibly remove them.

"Naturally, we will forcibly expel (the Chinese) if they were to make a landing. I should make that clear," Abe said in response to a question from a fellow lawmaker on his commitment to defending the island.

But he also said Japan's relations with China are among the most important bilateral relations in the world, and their economies are inseparable.

"It is wrong for China to take provocative actions or totally cut ties just because there is a problem," he said. "Our door for dialogue is always open."

Over the weekend, Abe did not visit Yasukuni but instead donated ceremonial ornaments marked "Prime Minister" to the shrine, whose compound has a war museum glorifying Japan's wartime past.

If Abe was attempting to avoid pointed responses from Japan's neighbors by not visiting the shrine himself, he was unsuccessful.

"The way they recognize history and treat the issue of the Yasukuni Shrine is an important criterion, based on which their close neighbors in Asia and the global community will watch and learn what road Japan will take in the future," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Tai-young urged "deep soul-searching" by Japan to discover how such visits are seen in neighboring countries.

"Yasukuni Shrine is a place to ... glorify wars," he said.

Several vice ministers and top executives of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party joined Tuesday's group pilgrimage to the shrine. This is one of several times during the year when lawmakers customarily pay their respects.

Among the ministers who visited over the weekend was Taro Aso, a former prime minister now serving as finance minister. He said he usually visits Yasukuni two or three times a year.

"It's nothing new such that it should have an impact on foreign relations," Aso told reporters Tuesday.

Leaders of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan generally refrained from visiting the shrine when the party was in power, from 2009 until late last year.

The shift toward a more conservative agenda under Abe was bound to happen, sooner or later.

Though Abe has focused mostly on economic policy since taking office in December, he has campaigned for revising Japan's U.S.-inspired constitution, which renounced war after the country's defeat in World War II, and for recognizing the country's Self-Defense Forces as a national military. He also favors revising Japan's past apologies for atrocities committed by its Imperial Army before and during World War II. Those aims are outlined in the LDP's platform.

The party holds a strong majority in the lower house of parliament, but needs a robust showing in upper house elections in July to gain the mandate it wants for pushing ahead with other priorities, including constitutional revision. Even if it gains a strong upper house majority, it faces a tough decision by next fall on whether to go ahead with a commitment to raise the sales tax ? a move expected to anger voters and possibly throw the economy back into recession.

Abe enjoys approval ratings of more than 70 percent, but the liberal-leaning Asahi newspaper said Tuesday he was jeopardizing much of that support by turning away from the economy at a time when there are no clear signs of a strong recovery.

"Why spark a source of friction?" Asahi asked. "What on earth is the Abe administration doing when improved relations with neighboring countries are most needed?"

Koichi Nakano, a political scientist at Tokyo's Sophia University, said Abe's party has been "remarkably successful in staying on message, in staying focused on the economy."

"Some would still want to be cautious and try to focus on the economy, but the desire to talk about other nationalist policies may be too tempting. We have to see how much further they will go in this direction," Nakano said.

Abe last visited Yasukuni in October, when he was opposition leader. As prime minister in 2006-2007, before resigning for health reasons, he refrained from making any visits. As recently as February he said his decision not to visit the shrine during that time was his "greatest regret."

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday he would try to avoid adverse fallout from the latest Yasukuni visits.

"I will handle the situation so that this will not affect our bilateral relations," he said. "It is important to communicate on a political level, and our door for dialogue is always open."

Although government spokesman Suga earlier described the visits by members of Abe's Cabinet as "private," at least one Cabinet minister, National Public Safety Commission chief Keiji Furuya, told reporters that he prayed as a state minister during his visit Sunday.

The visits appeared to add to the chill between Beijing and Tokyo.

A group of Japanese parliamentarians belonging to a Japan-China parliamentarian friendship group scrapped plans for a May 1-3 visit to China after Beijing said they could not meet with President Xi Jinping and other top Chinese officials. LDP officials said the island dispute was to blame, not Yasukuni, because China's message came before the weekend visits.

Anger over the islands dispute last year provoked anti-Japanese riots in China that hammered exports to the country's biggest market. Beijing quashed those demonstrations a few weeks after they started, but the risk to business ties and even of outright conflict persists.

Nakano said Japan may have miscalculated how China and South Korea would respond to the shrine visits.

"Japanese politicians fail to realize (the visits) are seen as provocations. It's one thing after another. It's the rightward shift of Japanese politics that I think (Seoul and Beijing) are more worried about," Nakano said.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

3 Doors Down Bassist Charged With Vehicular Homicide

Robert Todd Harrell told police he had been drinking and taking prescription medication when he struck another vehicle on Friday.
By Gil Kaufman

3 Doors Down bassist Robert Todd Harrell's booking photo
Photo: Davidson County Sheriff


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WTH? Reese Witherspoon Arrested For Disorderly Conduct! (Mugshot Photo)

Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth mugshot photosReese Witherspoon and her husband Jim Toth were arrested on Friday night in Atlanta, Georgia. The actress was arrested for disorderly conduct after refusing to listen to police orders when they pulled her husband over for suspicion of driving under the influence. What is this world coming to if sweetie-pie actress Reese Witherspoon was arrested? ...

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Obama's inaugural raised $43 million

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama's inaugural committee raised more than $43 million for his second inauguration, with corporations chipping in a major portion.

Reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show the committee fell about $7 million short of its $50 million fundraising goal.

For his first inauguration, Obama raised $53 million in private money, turning away corporations and individual contributions exceeding $50,000. This time, Obama reversed that policy.

The biggest sum came from AT&T Inc., who gave $4.6 million. Microsoft Corp. donated $2.1 million. Boeing Co. and Chevron Corp. gave a million each.

The largest individual donation of $500,000 came from Timothy Gill, a technology entrepreneur and gay rights activist.

The government pays for official activities like the swearing-in, but donations fund the inaugural balls and other celebrations.


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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

7.8 Magnitude Quake Strikes Iran and Pakistan

A very large 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck near the border between Iran and Pakistan on Tuesday. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) , this quake had an intermediate depth which likely resulted in fewer casualties and destruction than a much shallower quake would have.

* The USGS located the epicenter of this earthquake about 52 miles east of Khash in southeastern Iran, near that country's border with Pakistan.

* The website reported that there have been at least 34 deaths in Pakistan and one death in Iran.

* also reported that Pakistan TV stated that at least 150 people were injured in the Pakistani town of Mashkeel Tehsil, which is located in southwestern Pakinstan in a province known as Baluchistan. The website also reported that more than 1,000 homes were damaged in the same area.

* Reuters reported that shaking from this temblor was felt as far away as India and the Gulf Arab states.

* Reuters also reported that the earthquake cut communications in the sparsely populated region around the epicenter. The location of the epicenter is a mountainous desert region in southeastern Iran and is far from any Iranian nuclear facilities.

* Last week, a 6.3 magnitude quake struck southwestern Iran near the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is located along the Gulf coast. The earthquake resulted in 37 deaths and 850 injuries in Iran.

* According to the USGS, the Iranian region is seismically active and the location of Tuesday's quake saw a 7.2 magnitude quake in January of 2011 approximately 120 miles to the east.

* Tuesday's earthquake was larger than the largest magnitude quakes that have been registered in Iran in the past. Historically, the largest magnitudes recorded for earthquakes in Iran were 7.3 to 7.4 range, according to the USGS .

* The most devastating and deadly quake to strike Iran the last 50 years occurred in 1990. According to the USGS , a 7.4 magnitude quake struck western Iran, leaving 50,000 people dead and injuring 60,000. Landslides and major destruction resulted from this large earthquake. More than 400,000 people were left homeless following the quake.

* In Pakistan, the deadliest earthquake in modern times occurred in 2005 when a 7.6 magnitude quake struck about 65 miles northeast of Islamabad. According to the USGS , that quake killed at least 86,000 people, injured more than 69,000 and caused massive damage in the northern part of Pakistan.

Tammy Lee Morris is certified as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member and is a trained Skywarn Storm Spotter through the National Weather Service. She has received interpretive training regarding the New Madrid Seismic Zone through EarthScope -- a program of the National Science Foundation. She researches and writes about emergency preparedness, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, weather and other natural phenomena.


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PFT: Chiefs would deal Albert for second-rounder

David QuessenberryAP

David Quessenberry is going to be drafted, but he still might enlist.

The San Jose State offensive line prospect said that if his NFL dreams didn?t pan out, he might join the military, as so many in his family have done.

Quessenberry earned notice during the Senior Bowl for playing every position along the line, and figures to be a mid-round prospect. But after growing up listening to his father?s stories about the Navy, he said he?s considering pursuing his own career in the service when he?s finished.

?Yeah, it?s definitely something I have thought about. It?s something I?ve been around my whole life,? Quessenberry told Mike Garafolo of USA Today. ?Playing in the National Football League is a dream of mine, but [military service] is not off the table.?

Of course, he might find in an NFL locker room part of what draws him to the armed forces.

?You see that camaraderie they have, it?s special,? Quessenberry said of his father?s Navy buddies. ?It?s an intense bond that you get from basically that feeling you?re laying it all on the line. You just get that feeling when you?re around them that these guys would literally do anything for each other.

?It?s something you only find in the military and on the football field.?

He?s probably not going to resort to that just yet, as he could go as high as the third round.


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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anxious about life and afraid of death? Tylenol may do the trick, study suggests

Apr. 16, 2013 ? University of British Columbia researchers have found a new potential use for the over-the-counter pain drug Tylenol. Typically known to relieve physical pain, the study suggests the drug may also reduce the psychological effects of fear and anxiety over the human condition, or existential dread.

Published in the Association for Psychological Science journal Psychological Science, the study advances our understanding of how the human brain processes different kinds of pain.

"Pain exists in many forms, including the distress that people feel when exposed to thoughts of existential uncertainty and death," says lead author Daniel Randles, UBC Dept. of Psychology. "Our study suggests these anxieties may be processed as 'pain' by the brain -- but Tylenol seems to inhibit the signal telling the brain that something is wrong."

The study builds on recent American research that found acetaminophen -- the generic form of Tylenol -- can successfully reduce the non-physical pain of being ostracized from friends. The UBC team sought to determine whether the drug had similar effects on other unpleasant experiences -- in this case, existential dread.

In the study, participants took acetaminophen or a placebo while performing tasks designed to evoke this kind of anxiety -- including writing about death or watching a surreal David Lynch video -- and then assign fines to different types of crimes, including public rioting and prostitution.

Compared to a placebo group, the researchers found the people taking acetaminophen were significantly more lenient in judging the acts of the criminals and rioters -- and better able to cope with troubling ideas. The results suggest that participants' existential suffering was "treated" by the headache drug.

"That a drug used primarily to alleviate headaches may also numb people to the worry of thoughts of their deaths, or to the uneasiness of watching a surrealist film -- is a surprising and very interesting finding," says Randles, a PhD candidate who authored the study with Prof. Steve Heine and Nathan Santos.

While the findings suggest that acetaminophen can help to reduce anxiety, the researchers caution that further research -- and clinical trials -- must occur before acetaminophen should be considered a safe or effective treatment for anxiety.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of British Columbia.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. D. Randles, S. J. Heine, N. Santos. The Common Pain of Surrealism and Death: Acetaminophen Reduces Compensatory Affirmation Following Meaning Threats. Psychological Science, 2013; DOI: 10.1177/0956797612464786

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sources: Alleged stalker approached Hugh Jackman with razor, said 'we should be married'

By Shimon Prokupecz,

A 47-year-old woman has been arrested and charged with stalking actor Hugh Jackman.

Kay Nietfeld / EPA, file

Actor Hugh Jackman arrives for the premiere of "Les Miserables" during the Berlin International Film Festival on Feb. 9.

According to police sources, Kathleen Thurston approached Jackman outside a gym in the West Village Saturday, pulled out an electric razor and said to the actor "we should be married."

Jackman told Thurston not to touch him and went inside the gym. Thurston tried to follow him inside, but was stopped by staff at the gym, sources said. Thurston then dropped the razor and ran off. She was arrested several blocks away.

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Jackman told police he had seen Thurston outside his daughter's school and again outside his home on Perry Street on Friday.

Source say Thurston appears to have serious psychological issues. Her last known address was a homeless shelter.

This story was originally published on


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Monday, April 15, 2013

North Korea big security goof

When North Korean engineers launched a satellite into space on December 12, it seemed like business as usual, with the familiar cycle of condemnations from the west and statements of defiance from the Hermit Kingdom. But that launch also led many U.S. intelligence analysts to assess that Pyongyang possessed the ability to miniaturize the components necessary to yield a nuclear explosion for a crude warhead that would sit atop a ballistic missile.

After the North Korean launch, U.S. Navy ships managed to recover the front section of the rocket used in it, according to three U.S. officials who work closely on North Korean proliferation. That part of the rocket in turn provided useful clues about North Korean warhead design, should the next payload be a warhead rather than a satellite.

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The same basic engineering and science needed to launch a satellite into space is also used in the multi-stage rockets known as inter-continental ballistic missiles. The front of the satellite rocket, according to three U.S. officials who work closely on North Korean proliferation, gave tangible proof that North Korea was building the missile?s cone at dimensions for a nuclear warhead, durable enough to be placed on a long-range missile that could re-enter the earth?s atmosphere from space.

?Having access to the missile front was a critical insight we had not had before,? one U.S. non-proliferation official told The Daily Beast. ?I have seen a lot of drawings, but we had not seen the piece of that missile at that time.? This official continued: ?we looked at the wreckage from the launch and we put it together with other kinds of intelligence and came to this judgment that they had figured out the warhead piece.?

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The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a classified assessment last month? saying that it now has ?moderate confidence? that the ?North currently has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles however the reliability will be low,? South Korea has provided additional intelligence bolstering this conclusion, according to U.S. officials.

That assessment, in line with? but more assertive than earlier comments from the agency., was made public three days ago, in a question from Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Republican from Colorado, to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey. The Pentagon spokesman, George Little and the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, soon after the disclosure issued statements trying to play down the news. Clapper said, ?it would be inaccurate to suggest that the North Korean regime has fully developed and tested the kinds of nuclear weapons referenced in the passage." He added ?North Korea has not yet demonstrated the full range of capabilities necessary for a nuclear armed missile.?

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But neither Little or Clapper disputed the basic judgment that North Korea could likely build a nuclear warhead of low reliability. While the DIA assessment does not represent the view of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, the recovered satellite rocket helped move CIA analysts away from their skepticism about North Korea?s ability to build a nuclear warhead as well. ?The DIA was always more forward leaning on this,? one U.S. official said. ?The CIA was always extremely cautious on this. The doubters in the CIA finally found some common ground with DIA when we did the recovery.? (The CIA declined to comment.)

Intelligence suggesting North Korea could design a nuclear warhead has been building for many years.? A.Q. Khan, the man considered to be the father of the Pakistani nuclear program, for example has said in interviews and correspondence that in 1999 on a visit to North Korea he was shown boxes of components for three finished nuclear warheads that could be assembled within an hour.

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One U.S. official who works on North Korean proliferation said there was reason to believe that Khan could have been lying when he said this. ?Khan was like a used car salesman,? he said. ?He wanted future customers to think he could get them the full package even though many times the equipment would not work as well as he said.? This official said there may have been components for warheads in a box, but ?we never knew if those components could actually work.?

More recently though, other kinds of intelligence have also come to the attention of the U.S. intelligence community that suggest North Korea has mastered the miniaturization and warhead design work as well. Another U.S. official who works on North Korea work told the Beast that South Korea has recently shared more traditional kinds of intelligence with the United States about North Korea?s warhead design work, but did not get into the details of that intelligence. ?

Related from The Daily Beast

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

US says hacking undermines China's interests

BEIJING (AP) ? Hacking that originates inside China is undermining its relationship with the United States and harms Beijing's long-term interests, a top U.S. diplomat said Tuesday, in the latest high-level public expression of concern over a problem that has prompted threats of commercial retaliation from Washington.

The U.S. believes cyber intrusions originating from China that result in the theft of sensitive information have reached very high levels, adding to existing problems with the lack of protection for intellectual property rights, said Robert Hormats, the U.S. undersecretary of state for economic growth.

He urged China to take firm action against hacking and said Chinese officials need to question whether such activity "serves China's real interests" as it seeks to upgrade its economy, the world's second largest.

"The long-term interest of the Chinese government is to investigate and halt these cyber intrusions wherever in this country they come from," Hormats said. "The U.S. government is taking an active role in addressing this issue and we continue to raise our concerns with senior Chinese officials."

Hormats' comments in an address to an Internet industry conference in Beijing follow a forensically detailed report by Internet security company Mandiant that accused a Chinese military unit of carrying out a yearslong hacking attack against U.S. companies.

China's government and military deny carrying out cyberattacks. A senior Chinese official attending the conference repeated Beijing's contention that Beijing was itself a victim of hacking.

"Our opposition to all forms of hacking is clear and consistent," said Qian Xiaoqian, a vice minister and deputy director of the State Internet Information Office.

"Lately people have been cooking up a theory of a Chinese Internet threat, which is just an extension of the old 'China threat' and just as groundless," Qian said.

Such statements seem to be doing little to allay concerns over a suspected official role in wholesale hacking linked to China. Foreign military and government organizations have been targeted by the attacks, as well as private companies, including those in sensitive industries such as energy and aerospace.

Craig Mundie, a senior adviser to the CEO of Microsoft, a sponsor of the conference, said that regardless of whether China-based hacking was the work of rogue actors, Beijing's efforts to stop it are clearly not effective.

"And given that China's policy position is that such activity is absolutely illegal, our two countries clearly need to work together to figure out how to enforce that policy more effectively, because right now the evidence suggests China's policy enforcement approaches are not working adequately," Mundie said.

Mandiant, a Virginia-based cybersecurity firm, released a torrent of details in February that tied a secret Chinese military unit in Shanghai to years of cyberattacks that compromised more than 140 companies. Mandiant linked the breaches to the People's Liberation Army's Unit 61398.

In response to the hacking reports, the Obama administration has been considering fines and other trade actions against China or any other country guilty of cyberespionage.

However, the administration is expected to proceed cautiously because of the issue's sensitivity, and Hormats and other conference attendees repeatedly called for communication and joint efforts against hacking rather than outright confrontation.


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ACMG releases statement on noninvasive prenatal screening

Apr. 8, 2013 ? The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) has just released an important new Policy Statement on "Noninvasive Prenatal Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy."?

As background, in recent decades there have been many changes and improvements in prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis. The risk, however, of testing with specimens obtained by invasive procedures such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) has led to the search for new methods using mother's blood specimens obtained noninvasively. The most recent advances in genomics and genomic technologies have resulted in such noninvasive prenatal screenings (NIPS). The acronym NIPS is used to emphasize the screening nature (false positives and false negatives do occur) of tests currently on the market.

The new ACMG Statement on Noninvasive Prenatal Screening addresses:

  • The current limitations of NIPS
  • The advantages of NIPS compared with current screening approaches
  • Pretest and posttest genetic counseling
  • The reporting of results by laboratories performing NIPS
  • Oversight of analytical and bioinformatic components by testing of the laboratories performing NIPS

The Statement says that while studies are promising and demonstrate high sensitivity with low false-positive rates, there are limitations to NIPS, "NIPS for fetal aneuploidy has arrived; however, as with most new technologies, there is room for refinement." The report strongly states that positive results should be followed-up with an invasive diagnostic test before any decision is made regarding pregnancy termination.

Lead author of the ACMG Statement Anthony R. Gregg, MD, FACOG, FACMG and high- risk pregnancy physician said, "Obstetric care providers must become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this approach. Clinicians should provide patients with both pretest and posttest counseling with the goal of avoiding patient harm or confusion -- I can't stress this enough."

Gregg added, "Most of the companies that are developing these tests have referred to it as NIPDiagnosis or NIPTest. In our view, it is NOT a diagnostic test such as chorionic villus sampling [CVS] or amniocentesis; hence, we coined the term Noninvasive Prenatal SCREENING (NIPS)."

NIPS was initially validated for Down syndrome screening and has been applied to other trisomies including 13 and 18 with sex chromosomes being added now.

ACMG Medical Director Barry Thompson, MD, FACMG, another author of the Statement added, "NIPS is now one of many approaches available to women who desire Down syndrome screening. Unlike other methods, it is minimally invasive in that it only requires a blood sample from the pregnant mother rather than the more invasive amniocentesis or CVS that have associated risks of miscarriage."

"NIPS is a very accurate screening test, " said Michael S. Watson, PhD, Executive Director of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. However, it is well known that the cells originate from 'extraembryonic tissues' around the fetus so aneuploidy status may not always be identical to the genetics of the fetus. The advantages include that the detection rate is higher, the negative predictive value is greater, and the false positive rate is lower, than any other current screening approaches for Down syndrome. It must be followed up, however, by a diagnostic test since NIPS is a screening test."

"Finally, NIPS does not replace a first trimester ultrasound (12-14 weeks); rather, it complements it," Watson added.

The Statement can be found in the Publications section of the ACMG website at and will soon be published in the peer-reviewed medical journal, Genetics in Medicine.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American College of Medical Genetics.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Phase 1 ALS trial is first to test antisense treatment of neurodegenerative disease: No serious adverse effects reported

Apr. 3, 2013 ? The initial clinical trial of a novel approach to treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) -- blocking production of a mutant protein that causes an inherited form of the progressive neurodegererative disease -- may be a first step towards a new era in the treatment of such disorders. Investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Washington University School of Medicine report that infusion of an antisense oligonucleotide against SOD1, the first gene to be associated with familial ALS, had no serious adverse effects and the drug was successfully distributed thoughout the central nervous system.

"This therapy directly targets the cause of this form of ALS -- a mutation in SOD1, which was originally discovered here at the MGH by my mentor Robert Brown," says Merit Cudkowicz, MD, chief of Neurology at MGH and senior author of the report in Lancet Neurology, which has been released online. "It's very exciting that we have reached a stage when we can start clinical trials against this type of ALS."

ALS causes the death of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, stopping transmission of neural signals to nerve fibers and leading to weakness, paralysis and usually death from respiratory failure. Only 10 percent of ALS cases are inherited, and mutations in SOD1 -- which produce an aberrant, toxic form of the protein -- account for about 20 percent of familial cases. Although that first SOD1 mutation was identified 20 years ago by the team lead by Brown -- who is now professor and chief of Neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School -- a technology that directly addresses such mutations became available only recently.

The current study, the first author of which is Timothy Miller, MD, PhD, of Washington University, used what are called antisense oligonucleotides -- small, single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules that prevent production of a protein by binding to its messenger RNA. While antisense medications have been tested against several types of disease, this was the first trial in a neurological disorder, making the assurance of safety -- a primary goal of a phase 1 study -- particular important. Studies in animal models led by Miller and others found that the experimental antisense drug used in this trial reduced expression of mutated and nonmutated SOD1 and slowed the progression of ALS.

Conducted at the MGH, Washington University, Johns Hopkins University and the Methodist Neurological Institute in Houston, the trial enrolled a total of 21 patients with SOD1 familial ALS. Four sequential groups of participants received spinal infusions over an 11-hour period of the antisense drug or a placebo, with the active drug being administered at one of four dosage levels. Since participants in one group were free to join a subsequent group more than 60 days later, seven received two infusions and two received a total of three.

Some of the participants reported the type of adverse effects typically associated with spinal infusions -- headache and back pain -- with no difference between the active drug and placebo groups. Participants who receive subsequent infusions reported fewer adverse effects. Cerebrospinal fluid samples taken immediately after infusion revealed the presence of the antisense oligonucleotidein all participants receiving the drug at levels close to what was predicted based on animal studies. Analysis of spinal cord samples from one participant who had later died from ALS found drug levels highest at the site of the infusion and lowest at the furthest point and suggested that prior estimates of how long the drug would persist in the spinal cord were accurate.

Cudkowicz notes that the next step will be a larger study to address long-term safety and take a first look at the effectiveness of antisense treatment against ALS "This is a very important step forward for neurodegenerative disorders in general," she explains. "There are other ALS gene mutations that antisense technology may be useful against. There also is an ongoing study of a different oligonucleotide against spinal muscular atrophy, and ongoing preclinical studies in Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy and other neurological disorders are in development.

"The first person with ALS that I cared for had SOD1 ALS," she adds, "and I promised her a commitment to finding a treatment for this form of the disease. It's so gratifying to finally be at the stage of knowledge where we can start testing this treatment in patients with SOD1 ALS. We also hope that this treatment may apply to the broader population of patient with sporadic ALS." Cudkowicz is the Julieanne Dorn Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts General Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Timothy M Miller, Alan Pestronk, William David, Jeffrey Rothstein, Ericka Simpson, Stanley H Appel, Patricia L Andres, Katy Mahoney, Peggy Allred, Katie Alexander, Lyle W Ostrow, David Schoenfeld, Eric A Macklin, Daniel A Norris, Georgios Manousakis, Matthew Crisp, Richard Smith, C Frank Bennett, Kathie M Bishop, Merit E Cudkowicz. An antisense oligonucleotide against SOD1 delivered intrathecally for patients with SOD1 familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a phase 1, randomised, first-in-man study. The Lancet Neurology, 2013; DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70061-9

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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New black eye for Spanish royals? Princess Cristina under criminal investigation

A Spanish court today announced it will investigate the princess regarding alleged fraud by her husband. The action is only the latest scandal to bring public scrutiny of the Spanish royal family.

By Andr?s Cala,?Correspondent / April 3, 2013

Spain's King Juan Carlos (r.) arrives with his daughter, Princess Cristina (c.) and her husband, Inaki Urdangar?n, for an awards show in Barcelona, Spain, in May 2006. On Wednesday, a Spanish court named Cristina as a suspect in a corruption case involving her husband and will be called in for questioning on April 27.

Jasper Juinen/AP/File


A Spanish court announced Wednesday it will investigate Spanish Princess Cristina, daughter of King Juan Carlos, as part of an ongoing criminal investigation against her husband for alleged embezzlement of public funds ? and spurring new questions about the future of the royal family.

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The youngest of the king?s daughters, Cristina Federica de Borb?n y Grecia, has been called to testify in three weeks in an unprecedented decision that directly ties the royal family to a scandal that is infuriating Spaniards. Princess Cristina is a suspect in the scandal case, although she has not so far been charged with any crime. The prosecution in the case has already appealed the incrimination, a judicial process that precedes an indictment or formal charges.

The royal family said that it was "surprised" at the court's decision, and that it supports the prosecution's appeal.

Cristina will be investigated for her possible role in the alleged crimes of her husband, I?aki Urdangar?n. Urdangar?n, the Duke of Palma de Mallorca and a former Olympic sports figure and professional handball athlete, is under formal judicial investigation related to the embezzlement of more than 6 million euro in public funds, though he has yet to be charged.

Urdangar?n allegedly used his ties to the crown and nobility to secure contracts with regional governments to organize sporting events, along with his partner Diego Torres. They are also being investigated over the possible use of their nonprofit organization as a front to siphon money and evade taxes.

The court itself is based in?Palma de Mallorca, in Spain's Balearic Islands. Judge Jose Castro wrote in the enabling decision that while it appears Cristina was not involved in daily operations of the scheme, ?there are indications that she consented to allow the use of family ties to the King? and ?it?s doubtful? that she wasn?t aware of how her husband was using her name.

The evidence against Cristina was provided by Mr. Torres in the form of dozens of emails that directly name her or are even addressed to her. Urdangar?n?s attorneys have consistently denied the royal family?s knowledge of his affairs, but have been unable to have the emails discarded.

The emails suggest Cristina was at least informed of some decisions, though prosecutors disagree with the judge's decision to investigate the princess. They argue that while she was formally part of the board of her husband?s nonprofit, she had no decision-making role.

Family business?

In January, the court set an 8.1 million euro ($10 million) bail for Urdangar?n and Torres, and after failing to pay, ordered the repossession of properties owned by Urdangar?n and Cristina, including their small palace in Barcelona. The order is under appeal. The personal secretary of the king?s two daughters has also been incriminated in the corruption scheme, and the king?s legal adviser has been subpoenaed to testify, among other high-profile figures.

The royal family has long publicly distanced itself from Urdangar?n and promised to support the court investigation, regardless of who is involved. But the embezzlement scandal, especially as the investigation draws closer to the royal family and its entourage, has hit a nerve among Spaniards and undermined trust in the strongest Spanish institution.

For some time now, the future of Spain?s monarchy has become a public debate, not just among the population but increasingly among politicians as well. Until recently, such criticism was unheard of, but political parties now are openly asking Juan Carlos to abdicate in favor of his son, Prince Felipe.

While smaller scandals have fueled the criticism, as has the obviously deteriorating health of the aging monarch, the Urdangar?n case and the alleged direct implication to the crown has been significantly more damaging.

One of the most popular leaders of Spain?s left, Gaspar Llamazares, was confrontational. ?We?ll see if the Crown collaborates and abides to the equality of all before the law. [The case] is no longer about an outsider,? referring to Urdangar?n, ?but about the business affairs of the Crown.?


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Monday, April 1, 2013

Obama nominates economic aide to 2nd budget slot (The Arizona Republic)

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Best Passbook compatible apps for iPhone

Best Passbook compatible apps for iPhone

Passbook can be an incredibly useful tool for storing all kinds of things from boarding passes to loyalty cards to gift cards and more. Unfortunately, the App Store doesn't make it so easy to find apps that are Passbook compatible. While there is a list, it isn't updated very frequently and misses a lot of hidden gems that ourselves and many of our readers have found over the past few months.

So if you're itching to add more items to your Passbook and find an actual use for it, here are our favorites:


If you are a frequent Starbucks customer, the Starbucks for iPhone app is a great way to keep track of your rewards and pay through your iPhone and Passbook. The app is free and you can link any gift cards or loyalty cards directly through it. From there you can reload your balance, merge cards, and most importantly, add your pass to Passbook for easy access.

The Starbucks app includes location services support as well which means your pass will simply pop up whenever you're within the vicinity of a Starbucks location.


BillGuard is a service that helps you monitor and track transactions on your credit cards. You'll receive notifications of suspicious transactions as well as updates on balances if you have notifications turned on. BillGuard does all this natively but also has excellent Passbook support. The cards that you'd like to monitor or quickly view balances for can easily and quickly be added to Passbook.

Once added, you can flip over the pass inside your Passbook and see a summary of recent transactions. BillGuard will let you monitor and have passes for three credit cards for free. If you'd like to become a premium BillGuard member, you'll have the ability to add up to 10 cards to your BillGuard account for $9.99/month.


If you're heavily involved in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, and more - you've undoubtedly heard of Klout. If you haven't, Klout basically measures your social influence online and rates you by giving you a score after you link up all your social networks. Your score will fall between 1 and 100, with 100 being the highest. Your score will fluctuate based on your online activity and you'll receive notifications from the Klout app when your score rises or falls.

If you'd like quick access to your Klout score, the official Klout app for iPhone has Passbook support built right in. Once you've signed in and got the app all configured, you can add a pass to your Passbook. It'll show you your current Klout score at a quick glance as well as give you a QR code that your friends can scan to access your Klout profile directly from their devices.

AMC Stubs

A lot of theaters (at least state-side) are run by just a few large companies, one of them being AMC. If you visit AMC theaters quite often and you're an AMC Stubs member, the AMC Stubs app is a great way to not only track all the movies you've went to and view your rewards history, but to quickly access your AMC Stubs membership card through Passbook.

After you've added your AMC Stubs member card to your Passbook, you'll notice it will give you a large bar code for employees to scan when you go to the movies. If you have any rewards balances that are currently unused, you'll also see that in the upper right hand corner. If your'e a stubs member and you own an iPhone with Passbook support, this download is a no-brainer.

Square Wallet

Square is becoming one of the easiest ways to pay with large chains like Starbucks now accepting it. It's also a very convenient option for small businesses. One feature that a lot of users may overlook with Square Wallet is that you can send other Square Wallet users gift cards instantly. Just find the place you want to send someone a gift card for, choose the gift card option, enter an amount and message, and off it goes.

The receiver will then have the option to store that gift card in their Passbook until they're ready to use it. The same holds true if you've received gift cards to merchants through Square Wallet. You can add them to your Passbook eliminating the need to launch an app in order to use them.

Your picks?

There are lots of Passbook compatible apps out there and while these are our favorites, we know that you, our readers, are App Store ninjas as well. Let us know what your favorite Passbook compatible apps are in the comments below!


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Pope makes Easter pleas for Mideast peace

Pope Francis, holding the pastoral staff, celebrates the Easter mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis, holding the pastoral staff, celebrates the Easter mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis, holding the pastoral staff, walks past the closed icon of Jesus as he celebrates the Easter mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis, holding the pastoral staff, celebrates the Easter mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil.(AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis celebrates the Easter mass in St. Peter's Square at the the Vatican Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Faithful hold a heart shaped banner reading in Italian "Pope Francis we love you. Happy Easter" in St. Peter's square at the Vatican on the occasion of the celebration of the Easter mass Sunday, March 31, 2013. "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is," he said. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" said Pope Francis during the Easter vigil. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

(AP) ? Pope Francis delivered a plea for peace in his first Easter Sunday message to the world, decrying the seemingly endless conflicts in the Middle East and on the Korean peninsula after celebrating Mass at an outdoor altar before more than 250,000 people in flower-bedecked St. Peter's Square.

Francis shared in his flock's exuberance as they celebrated Christianity's core belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead following crucifixion. After Mass, he stepped aboard an open-topped white popemobile for a cheerful spin through the joyous crowd, kissing babies and patting children on the head.

One admirer of both the pope and of the pope's favorite soccer team, Argentina's Saints of San Lorenzo, insisted that Francis take a team jersey he was waving at the pontiff. A delighted Francis obliged, briefly holding up the shirt, and the crowd roared in approval.

Francis has repeatedly put concern for the poor and suffering at the center of his messages, and he pursued his promotion of the causes of peace and social justice in the Easter speech he delivered from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, the same vantage point above the square where he was introduced to the world as the first Latin American pope on March 13.

The Roman Catholic leader aimed his Easter greetings at "every house and every family, especially where the suffering is greatest, in hospitals, in prisons." Francis prayed that Jesus would inspire people to "change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness, war into peace."

As popes before him have, he urged Israelis and Palestinians to resume peace talks and end a conflict that "has lasted all too long." And, in reflecting on the two-year-old Syrian crisis, Francis asked, "How much suffering must there still be before a political solution" can be found?

The pope also expressed desire for a "spirit of reconciliation" on the Korean peninsula, where North Korea says it has entered "a state of war" with South Korea. He also decried warfare and terrorism in Africa, as well as what he called the 21st century's most extensive form of slavery: human trafficking.

The first pontiff to come from the Jesuits, an order with special concern for the poor, and the first pope to name himself after St. Francis, a medieval figure who renounced wealth to preach to the down-and-out, Francis lamented that the world is "still divided by greed looking for easy gain.

Earlier, wearing cream-colored vestments, Francis celebrated Mass on the esplanade in front of the basilica at an altar set up under a white canopy. He frequently bowed his head as if in silent reflection.

The sun competed with clouds in the sky Sunday, but the square was a riot of floral color in Rome, where chilly winter has postponed the blossoming of many flowers. Yellow forsythia and white lilies shone, along with bursts of lavender and pink, from potted azalea, rhododendron, wisteria and other plants.

Francis thanked florists from the Netherlands for donating the flowers. He also advised people to let love transform their lives, or as he put it, "let those desert places in our hearts bloom."

The Vatican had prepared a list of brief, Easter greetings in 65 languages, but Francis didn't read them. The Vatican didn't say why not, but has said that the new pope, at least for now, feels at ease using Italian, the everyday language of the Holy See. Francis also has stressed his role as a pastor to his flock, and, as Bishop of Rome, Italian would be his language.

The pontiff improvised his parting words to the crowd. He repeated his Easter greeting to those "who have come from all over the world to this square at the heart of Christianity" as well as to those "linked by modern technology," a reference to TV and radio coverage as well as social media.

Francis added that he was especially remembering "the weakest and the neediest" and praying that all of humanity be guided along "the paths of justice, love and peace."

In another departure from Easter tradition, Francis won't be heading for some post-holiday relaxation at the Vatican's summer palace in Castel Gandolfo, in the hills southeast of Rome. That retreat is already occupied by his predecessor, Benedict XVI, who went there in the last hours of his papacy on Feb. 28. Benedict became the first pope in 600 years to resign from the position, and eventually is to move back to the Vatican, after a convent there is readied for him.

Francis so far has declined to move into Benedict's former apartment in the Apostolic Palace, into the rooms whose studio overlooks St. Peter's Square. He is still in the Vatican hotel where earlier this month he was staying along with other cardinals participating in the secret conclave to choose Benedict's successor.

While Francis has just begun to make his mark on the church, it is plain he has little desire to embrace much of the pomp customarily associated with the office.

Associated Press


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Is Master School Right For You?

The decision to attain one's master degree is an important one. A few things should be taken into consideration before deciding to go back to school. One must first decide if he or she has enough time to devote to school. Secondly, a critical eye should be given to a potential school budget. Finally, one needs to decide if it is the right time to go back to school. Ultimately, the decision to go back to school should be well thought out and informed.

Most people who are thinking about going back to school consider whether or not they really have the time for it first. It may be very difficult to juggle a full-time job with school. Some people may go back to school during a transition period in their life. They may be able to focus on school full-time. This doesn't mean that one must quit whatever they are doing to go to school. Many people juggle school and work successfully.

Getting a master degree is not a cheap endeavor. One should sit down with a calculator and figure out how much it is actually going to cost. Tuition is only a fraction of what it will cost to go back to school. Potential students should also figure out how much it is going to cost for books, food and living expenses. They need to decide if they will be able to apply for scholarships or if they will need to take out student loans. Many students will save up money before going back to school. This can help to offset expenses if one has to cut back on work hours. It may be necessary to discuss the budget with one's family members as well.

There have been so many technological advancements in the past decade. Students can now study at traditional schools or online. In addition, students are replacing expensive text books with digital copies of their required books. Students often keep all of their notes on laptops or tablets. There are so many great gadgets to help one prepare for getting a master degree. Most professors have decided to go paperless also. Students who are primarily attending school online will get the most use out of their electronic devices.

Ultimately, one needs to decide on whether or not it is the right time to go back to school. Money and time should be the first two factors that need to be considered. Sometimes, it just isn't the right time to go back to school. Other potential students may like to take advantage of transition periods in their life. Staying with one's family after college is a great way to save money during a graduate program. Each situation is different. Every potential student must decide if he or she is ready for graduate school. Pursuing a master degree is a tough but worthy goal. Students will appreciate all of the time they spent planning to ensure scholastic success.

This post is brought to you by Walter Lake, a former student at University of Western Ontario, one of the top Canadian Universities offering quality Master programs in the country. For more information, visit their website.


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